Contact directory

The Contact directory is used to help you and your operators maintain information about your customers, which we acquired during conversations through one or more mluvii channels. The directory can be found in the left menu of the operator interface. Also, it can be encountered by operators during a session with a customer in the customer Information section.

The Contact directory allows you to:

  • associate information with known and new contacts,

  • manage customer contact information,

  • add or remove customers in the Directory,

  • search the Directory and filter according to the criteria you specify.

Orientation in the Contact directory

In the Contact directory, you can find client records that have been saved during the client session or that operators have assigned to the contact. You can view information about a specific client by clicking on the record.

By clicking the + Add Client button, you can edit the selected contact fields or add additional information to them. To save changes made to the client tab, click the Save button. You can also delete a record from the card using the Delete button.

Customer records are sorted in the Contact directory according to four main identifiers:

Main client identifiers

  • ID - each customer will be assigned a unique identification number, under which they will be listed in the calendar. The Customer ID cannot be changed.

  • Name - the name and surname of the user provided by the customer in the mluvii form, Hero Card, through the OAuth authentication (Gmail, Facebook\ or obtained by the operator during the session. Each customer has one name the operator can override in the Directory.

  • Email - The email address that the customer provided in the mluvii form, Hero Card, through OAuth authentication (Gmail, Facebook) or received by the operator during the session. The customer’s email can be edited or added to multiple contact emails.

  • Phone - telephone contact provided by the customer in the form of, a Hero Card, in the Callback field, or during a session with the operator. The customer’s phone number can be edited or added.


Guest name


Guest e-mail

Guest phone

Browser Id



Channel-specific client identifiers

  • Facebook PSID - This information displays the unique identifier of the Facebook account of a customer who has entered into a conversation in mluvii via Facebook Messenger or has logged in to Facebook via OAuth authentication.

  • WhatsApp - If a customer has entered into a WhatsApp conversation with you, they will also see a unique WhatsApp Contact ID on their card.

  • Apple Messages for Business - If a customer has entered into an Apple conversation with you, they will also see a unique Apple Contact ID on their card.

  • VKontakte - If a customer has entered into a VKontakte conversation with you, they will also see a unique VK Contact ID on their card.


Facebook PSID




WhatsApp Contact Id




Apple Contact Id




VK Contact Id




Custom parameter in the Contact directory

You can also add a custom ID to the basic IDs in the Contact directory. You can set this using your Parameters.

To set a parameter, go to Settings -> Application -> Parameters

Click the Add button to create a new parameter, fill in its name and label, and check the "Used for guest identification" checkbox.

This parameter serves as a unique identifier between mluvii and your internal systems.

You can obtain this information from the customer using the entry form, Hero Card, during a session with the customer, or the operator can enter it manually into the Contact directory.

Identification data update during a session

In the case of a session with a customer, the operator can add a contact to the Contact directory by clicking on the Contact directory and the Add Contact button and then editing the customer’s credentials directly in the session.

If you find out during the session that this is a customer with whom you have previously dealt with a request, you can search for the entry in the Contact directory and link the contact information. Just click the Contact directory button and choose Select Existing. You will then search the list of contacts and, in case of a match, connect the contacts by pressing the Select button.

In the Client Information section, you can use the "Add field" button to manage your phone number, email address, or personally identifiable information about that customer. This is true even if the customer already has this information assigned.

Click the Options button, then the operator can:

  • Disconnect a contact from the Contact directory

  • Delete a contact from the Contact directory or

  • Open the Contact directory

Complete contact history

During a session in progress, the operator has access to all previous communication. On a time axis, it displays a chronological order of all existing interactions carried out across various channels (chat including an Invitation from the operator, e-mail, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, VKontakte, and IP telephony), in which they can look up specific information using full-text search.

On the level of each interaction, it is possible to display its transcription along with related details and parameters. Furthermore, session notes and all changes in the Contact details of a given entry (e.g. adding, editing, and deleting phone numbers or e-mails) are displayed within the history.

The operator can display this history during a session in progress in the History tab, in the detail of an incoming e-mail as well as in the History tab, and, of course, on the level of a contact in the Contact directory.

For e-mail threads with multiple recipients, the following 3 situations can occur when storing communication history:

a) If there are at least 2 e-mail addresses within an e-mail thread and none of them are included in the Contact Directory, a new Directory entry for the first e-mail address is created and the communication is saved there.

b) In the case of a thread with at least 2 e-mail addresses, and the e-mail address in the first position is not contained in the Contact Directory, the communication is saved to the e-mail address (Directory entry) that is found first by sequentially browsing all email addresses in the thread.

c) For an e-mail thread where all contained e-mail addresses already exist in the Contact directory, the communication is saved to the e-mail address (Directory entry) found first.

Last updated