By operator utilization
Interaction is sequentially routed to operators according to priority setting (see Assignment Rules) until one operator accepts it.
It provides with following features:
queue size (a widget changes its status to offline when the queue is full)
time for accepting the client in seconds, after which the waiting session is offered to another operator (gradually increasing the number of operators, and every single one has the option to accept the waiting session)
the value for the "max. time in queue" parameter determines the time for which the waiting session is routed to the next group of operators (within the defined routing rules). The handoff of the waiting session to the next group of operators happens in the case of full utilization of the group in the first place within the given routing.
auto pick-up means instant automatic acceptance of the session without clicking on the "Accept" button.
Auto-accept can be used for sessions and e-mails too.
In the group details, you can specify the conditions for selecting individual operators in the session assignment sequence. You can choose from 5 types of priorities, which you can freely remove, add, or change their order by dragging the priority higher in the list. See the example below.
Assignment Rules
Sessions are distributed among operators or groups. You can set way how it's done by using various conditions and priorities.
Among operators
The overflow setting can only be set according to the “By operator utilization” distribution setting.
Maximum time in the queue - If the client waits in the queue (not assigned to the operator) of the fully occupied group for longer than the defined time, the interaction is routed to the next group in the list (that meets the routing conditions).
Maximum time to accept - If the operator does not accept the client at a defined time, the client is routed to another operator within the group. Even after that, the operator selected by the routing, in the beginning, has a chance to accept the client.
If field settings (such as Maximum ACW, Maximum number of clients in the queue, or other) are left empty, for the application it will be the same as an infinite value. For example, if you leave Max. number of clients in a queue without a specific value, customers will be routed to a group without any restrictions.
In the subsection, you can disable/enable individual priority rules as well as reorder them. Rules with lower order will be used only when higher order rules fail to select a single operator.
Priority list
Currently assigned client count
Sum off all waiting and accepted sessions/emails
Today assigned client count
Sum of all sessions/emails that were routed to the operator since today's midnight
Today accepted client count
Sum of all sessions/email that the operator accepted since today's midnight
Retain last handler
Prefer the most recently contacted operator (if available)
Random selection
Operator would be selected randomly. This is always the last rule and cannot be changed
Among groups
There 3 main conditions that have to be met:
all group operators have no free slots
the group queue is full
The Time in queue parameter is set
The handoff of a waiting client from Group A to Group B happens under one of the following situations:
all operators are busy and the group queue is full
all operators are in the "Away" state (such group is unavailable)
a group is empty (has no operator)
no operator from the group is online (the empty group is skipped)
all operators have the particular channel turned off
the group is out of business hours
Rule evaluation
Prefer last called operator
Number of currently assigned interactions
Number of assigned interaction today
The new client will be routed to Alice. The first 3 rules were sufficient to select a single operator. The fourth rule was not needed.
Last updated
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