Deployed on 23. 4. 2024
Mluvii News
π Filters in Campaigns π
Now you can easily search for campaigns by their status or channel. You can work more quickly with campaigns according to your needs, for example only those that are currently running.
π Hidden input field during communication with chatbot π
The client will no longer try to type into the chatbox when the field is inactive. The moment the chatbot turns off the input field (e.g. when selecting from the options offered), the field will disappear completely and reappear at the right moment.
π Minor but Significant Adjustments π
Hero Cards: the operator can again confirm a Hero Card on behalf of the client
Telephone channel configuration: fixed bug where mluvii froze when switching between multiple open cards
Group Settings: Fixed checkbox ticking option
Infinity chat: You now have infinite client history (within a given text channel) with the operator enabled automatically
Thank you for your feedback which helps us to continuously improve the mluvii :)
Last updated