
E-mails are a mluvii feature that can be turned off. If you do not see the section and would like to use e-mails, contact your sales representative or use chat on our website.

In this section, you can find also specifics of connecting Gmail and Office 365 mailboxes.

The e-mail client lets you link your mailbox(es) to manage both incoming and outgoing e-mails in a single environment. This means greater clarity and options in managing or prioritizing incoming requests. In addition, operators have all requests in a single queue, which increases the efficiency of their work.

Mailbox settings

In the Settings section, select the E-mail channel.

Use the Add button to create a new mailbox. Enter its name, and e-mail address, assign routing, and enter the SLA value. Next, select the date from which e-mails will be downloaded to the application (the app won't let you enter a date older than a day back).

Use the checkboxes to enable or disable the following features for the operators:

  • Thread preview – allows operators to preview an e-mail before they receive it.

  • Thread return – displays a button for operators to return received e-mails.

  • Ignore button – displays a button for operators to ignore a message (usually used for spam or messages that will not be replied to anymore).

It is also necessary to fill in IMAP/POP3 and SMTP protocols. In the IMAP/POP3 tab, select the protocol, fill in the server name, and port number, or select SSL and fill in the e-mail you want to link. To verify, enter its password and use the Check button. Fill in this information also in the SMTP tab where you can also confirm the authentication. After saving, it is possible to edit the mailbox and deactivate it using the switch in the E-mail inbox section.

It is possible to prioritize the sorting of e-mail requests within a group. The procedure can be found in the Groups section. To prioritize e-mails, it is recommended to set up a special group – it is more clearly arranged for the setup and handling.

Connecting Gmail mailboxes

In the case of connecting Gmail mailbox, it is necessary to allow access to the "less secure apps". It's vital for proper connection between the Gmail mailbox and mluvii platform.

This is necessary to successfully connect the mailbox to the mluvii platform.

You can easily find the settings here. By default, it's turned off.

Nowadays, it's possible to connect Gmail mailboxes that are part of Google Workspace. Personal Gmail mailboxes are not supported!

The IMAP protocol may be disabled within a domain and must be enabled for connection purposes.

Connecting Office 365 mailboxes

If you are connecting an Office 365 mailbox to mluvii, be sure to follow these steps

  • If you want to connect an Office 365 mailbox, you must first connect a Microsoft identity, which the system will use to authenticate itself.

  • On the main "General" tab, in the Email Address field, enter an email address (an existing shared mailbox within Azure Active Directory):

  • On the next tab "Connections " in addition to the selected existing Microsoft identity, use the following for

    • IMAP username to a shared mailbox

    • SMTP username to Microsoft identity

E-mail routing

In the Settings section, you can choose which rules are used to redirect e-mail to target groups of operators. In routing conditions, you can choose to route e-mail messages by sender, subject, and/or message body.

SLA emails

If you want to keep an eye on the expiration of individual e-mail messages, visit Settings -> E-mails -> E-mail inbox. In the general mailbox-level settings, you can then select the length of the SLA of each message in units of hours.

This change will also have a significant impact on operators. In a unified e-mail queue, e-mails approaching SLA expiration will be highlighted in color. The e-mail line remaining less than an hour until the expiration date will be colored yellow. If the value is exceeded, the color changes to red. At the end of a line of an e-mail message, you can also see how much time is left before the SLA expires, or how long the e-mail expires.

E-mail sorting

By default, emails to operators appear in the interface from newest to oldest.

If necessary, the order can be reversed within the tenant settings.

In case you are handling emails in multiple tenants with different settings (newest x oldest), the emails will be globally sorted by default (i.e. from newest to oldest)!

Last updated

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