Missed Calls
It often happens that the calling client does not get through to the operator and it is desirable for companies to contact the client later.
You can experience following situations:
a client ends the call while waiting in the queue for the operator
a client ends the call before being transferred to the operator in the voice tree (IVR)
We recommend that missed calls be handled as part of "infinite campaigns", i.e. campaigns with a goal of "None". For more information on campaigns and their settings, click here.
The Add Contact to Campaign action must be used for a long-term campaign designed to retrieve missed calls (see the Campaign Rules subsection for more details).
If you want to add contacts to the campaign that ended up in the IVR tree (before switching to the operator), you must ensure that the IVR tree allows this!
For the smooth functioning of the campaign, there must be no duplicates in the Contact Directory (x records with the same phone number). If this happens, the contact will not be added to the campaign!!!
Avoid adding contacts using a .CSV file for a missed call dialing campaign!! In this case, duplicate records will be created, and thus none of the duplicate records will ever be added to the campaign!
Rules configuration
Creating rules can initially be complicated, so we add a case study here.
All missed calls (to a given number) should be automatically added to an "infinite" campaign.
Each client will be called in 5, 15, and 60 minutes from the moment the contact is added to the campaign.
If the client contacts the operator (incoming or outgoing call) before the specified time, all further scheduled attempts will be canceled.
1x "Add contact to campaign" action.
the parameter "Dropped session"
call parameter "Dialled number"
3x action "Call again"
parameter "Number of outgoing call attempts"
call parameter "Outgoing call result"
1x action "Remove contact from campaign"
parameter "Source"
The "Dialed number" parameter cannot be used in case of Shared Telephony.
For the "Number of outgoing call attempts" parameter, use "equals X", where X can be 1, 2, 3, etc. For the "Outgoing Call Result" parameter, use "does not equal Answered".
Last updated
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