
Deployed on: 22.06.2021

Mluvii News

1) Consultations during a phone call

Finally! During a phone call, the operator can invite other colleagues for a consultation. At the same time, he can put the client on hold for a moment and consult with a colleague. Everything is recorded in the recording.

2) The operator can redirect the session to a chatbot

Chatbot is a master in solving repetitive queries and also in collecting data about clients. The operator can now use the function of redirecting the session to the chatbot. Once the chatbot completes the task, the client can be redirected back to the operator or the session is ended.

Minor changes in the application:

  • Tooltip fix for call parameters in client card

  • The operator is no longer affected by the setting from the tenant in which it is deactivated

Thank you for your feedback, which helps us to improve mluvii. :)

Last updated