Deployed on: 18. 5. 2022
Mluvii News
1) WhatsApp Charged Messages Overview
WhatsApp for Business is growing in popularity and we are working hard to develop additional functionality. One of these is the ability to download a detailed overview of the charged and uncharged messages that have passed through your WABA account in the selected month. The report provides details of individual messages from Meta sources paired with session IDs from mluvii.
The data starts to be stored with the deployment of version 2.92 and cannot be retrieved retrospectively. You can export billing directly from the Billing tab in your WABA account settings in mluvii.
2) Synchronization of WhatsApp templates
Have you created a new WhatsApp template that has passed approval and want to start using it immediately? Now you can quickly upload such templates to mluvii using the Sync button in the WhatsApp settings in mluvii. The chatbot will also start the conversation itself in the mobile app
3) Chatbot starts a conversation on its own and in the mobile app
Chatbots can now also start a conversation immediately after a client enters the chat in the mobile app. Your clients no longer have to delay typing in the chat, the chatbot will take over and offer help to solve their request. You can control this feature in the General chatbot settings section.
4) Chatbot starts a conversation on its own and in the mobile app
If you are interested in how the routing of a particular session was done, you will be pleased to know that in the session details you will now find a transcript of the routing in chronological order from top to bottom. Investigating the routing progress of individual sessions will now be even easier for you.
5) View media and files from session details
Want to see what files operators, clients or chatbots are sending to each other in conversations? Now you can conveniently view all sent files or play videos in the session details with one click.
Minor changes in the application:
Fixed campaign clicks from the rules used in the campaign.
When copying an email address into chat, it no longer displays "mailto:" but only the format of the address
Operator link in the Sessions table works again
Thank you for your feedback, which helps us to improve mluvii. :)
Last updated