Telephone campaign

Campaigns can be found in a separate section in the main sidebar under the "megaphone" icon.

Preparation of contacts for a campaign

Before creating a campaign, you shall compile a list of contacts that will be used for the campaign. These contacts are already included in the Contact directory, or you can import them via the “Upload CSV” button. There, you select the desired CSV file with the contacts and then you transfer the columns included in the CSV file to existing columns in the Contact directory (e.g. client’s name, client’s email, client’s phone number, etc.).

The next useful step is the option to create a filter that enables you to select only a limited set of contacts for the campaign.

By using the filter button, you can apply any of the existing filters or create a new filter.

These filters may also be created while creating the campaign when it is presumed that the Contact directory already contains the right contacts.

Create a campaign

To establish a campaign, you shall click the “+ Create a campaign” button and then fill in the name of the campaign in the first “General” tab, its type (there is only the “telephone” option for now), and also the mechanism in which the campaign shall function (“Preview” or "Predictive").

Preview Mode

Preview mode is specific due to the BCW (Before Call Work) which indicates the period (in seconds) from the acceptance of a session (a campaign call) to the moment of dialing a telephone number.

Predictive Mode

If you select predictive mode, you don't set the BCW time. Instead, "Pickup rate" is displayed, which expresses the expected probability of outgoing campaign calls (contacts) to be answered by clients.

For example, a value of 50% expresses an estimate that every second contact won't be answered by the client, and therefore 2 contacts are automatically called by the system in proportion to each connected operator (who's in an Online state).

A vital parameter of each campaign is a routing that defines the group of operators to whom the campaign (outgoing) calls shall be directed.

Campaign Goal

Another essential parameter of the campaign goal. There are 2 options:

  • All contacts processed (a campaign ends when the last contact is called)

  • None (a campaign is active and new contacts can be added whenever you want)

So-called "endless campaigns" (with a goal of None) are suitable e.g. calling back clients who did not call you due to busy operators. You can add these contacts to ongoing campaigns automatically using our Public API.


Another optional parameter of each campaign is the rules or actions to be performed (e.g. scheduling a redial, deleting a contact, adding a parameter to the called phone number or call in case it is not received by the client). For the "Call again" rule, one or more conditions can be defined (e.g. whether the call was connected, the result of the outgoing call specified by the operator, or the number of outgoing call attempts to date)

A Call script which is a special type of form can be useful for the operators to get them more efficient (capable of handling more clients and gathering all necessary information). It may contain specific sentences that shall be used during the call with the client, but also other form-based elements that are used with other times of forms (checkboxes, closed answers to questions, etc.). All the responses recorded by the operators are stored in the parameters and they may easily be found in the Sessions section. To do this, simply add the columns with specific parameters to the displayed columns.

In the end, you have a chance to define one or more telephone numbers that will be used for the campaign. Suggested telephone numbers can be defined in the telephone channel settings. It's not available to everyone and requires having at least 2 phone numbers available). The mechanism is useful when you need to combine multiple phone numbers when calling contacts.

The second tab titled “Contacts” displays the content of the Contact directory and you shall choose a column from which the phone number should be used. You can also create a filter over existing contacts. This will ensure that not all contacts are called in the campaign, but only some of them.

Campaign management

Only the user with the authorization of “Manage campaigns” can create and manage existing campaigns. The overview of existing campaigns contains, among others, also the status and type of the campaign. The details of each campaign include the parameters and overall statistics of the given campaign (number of processed or waiting contacts, etc.).

Further, the supervisor shall find more detailed information on the individually dialed contacts (such as the name of the operator who processes the contact, the status of the contact, the result of the call, whether the call took place or whether the call was refused by the contacted person and also the period up to the moment of the next attempt to dial the given phone number).

Individually created campaigns may be suspended and terminated as needed. If you want to use the same list of contacts during the same campaign again or to use it only with minimal changes, click the checkbox next to the heading of the campaign detail and choose “Create a campaign” in the displayed selection of “Options”.

For each contact, you can display its details and timeline with all the previous communication just as in the Contact directory.

The campaigns are one of the functions that may be turned on and off, and if you are interested in using them, contact your sales representative or contact us via the chat on our website.

Last updated

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