
Deployed on: 23.02.2021

Mluvii News

1) Manage campaigns via API

Now you can administer campaigns via API too. You can start your campaign and pause it, adjust as well as create a new one. Here you will also find information on all campaigns and their statuses.

2) Campaign targets

Choose if your campaign should stop immediately upon cold calling all of its contacts or if it should remain active and ready for additional contacts added in the future. After that you can launch the campaign again.

Minor changes in the application:

  • You can change default phone number in Phone configuration.

  • New differentiation of incoming and outgoing calls in the routing visualisation and supplementing the legend with new channels.

  • Operators who stay logged in mluvii inactively overnight will no longer be shown in the Operator Metrics.

  • If a client came from a website with a long URL address, a button will appear in the session Parameters and it allows to copy the URL address into the clipboard.

Thank you for your feedback, which helps us to improve mluvii. :)

Last updated

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