Mluvii provides a framework for integration with your application(Android 5.0+, lower version are not supported due to the low version of WebView). The code provided by us enables you to:
initiate a webview with a widget with your company data
notification on change of widget status
open chat
close the chat and load a page with widget
add own handling for opening URL in chat
adding customized parameters - when adding customized parameters, you must first set them in the Administration Interface, see Application
if the user of your mobile application has to perform some action (click on a button, etc.) after opening the WebView, we recomment to add a delay e.g. 2 seconds. This will ensure flawless saving of values to existing session parameters.
it is necessary to first set parameters and then call MluviiLibrary.runChat()
To allow tracking of clients(chat history) you need to allow cookies in webView
If you want to use a video, you need to enable your camera and microphone in your application.
You need to allow permissions in manifest
In Android 6.0+ you have to add in app check for permissions. This can be called when needed and code should look like this:
Android Library
Sample Code
You can find it here.
Last updated
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