
The rules mostly determine the behavior and appearance of WebChat widgets. You can also use them to send automated messages within WebChat, change the status of the operator, schedule repeat calls within phone campaigns, etc.

In this section you will learn:

For rules to be applied, they must be attached either to:

  • webchat widget,

  • email inbox, or

  • phone campaign

Rule types

Rule Type

The rules affect the selected WebChat widget, i.e. the appearance and behaviour of the widget on the site.

Definition of automated messages sent within a client session and the conditions under which they are sent.

Rules for recalling a contact, deleting a contact, setting a contact attribute, adding a contact (missed call) into a campaign, or removing it if desired.

Rules for automatically ignoring incoming emails that affect a specific mailbox.

Rules for automatic operator state switching when conditions are met, alerting for long sessions.

Button rules




A widget is hidden


A widget starts moving from right to left


A widget is displayed


A widget stops moving from right to left



Hide Pop-up

Pop-up element is hidden

Show Pop-up

Pop-up element is displayed



Remove custom param

Within a session, a specific parameter is removed.

Open chat

Instantly opens the chat window.


Invite the client to chat using a configurable message.

Play sound

Widget starts moving from right to left

Add custom parameter

A specific parameter is added to the session.

Show message in queue

Display a custom message to a client waiting in the queue.

Custom function

Possibility to use your own "non-public" action.

Chat rules

In this section, you can set up automatic messages to be sent to the client in case of prolonged inactivity of the operator. You can set the time for which the message will be displayed, but the minimum time is 1 minute. You can also set a custom text for this message, even for multiple languages. You can also create multiple message types with different texts and sending times.


Send message

Automatic message sending in case of client or operator inactivity. A neutral avatar is used.

Send as operator

Automatic sending of the message immediately after the operator connects to the chat or in case of client or operator inactivity. Instead of a neutral avatar, the operator's avatar is used.

The rule is also applied to sessions accepted by the chatbot. If you are using this rule in combination with a chatbot, we recommend that you do not delay switching sessions from the chatbot to the operator group. This will result in the session being placed in a queue in which the automated message never appears.

E-mail rules

You can also set conditions for ignored emails in the Rules section. If you don't want to receive spam messages or auto-replies in your inbox when you're absent, visit the rules settings.

Select the name of the rule and the Ignore Email action. You can then select one or more conditions that the assigned mailbox will follow. You can set the conditions by sender, subject, or body of the email message.


Ignore e-mail

Automatically ignore emails

Operator rules


Operator missed session

Change of status from Online to a specific Away reason.

Operator has an active session

The operator receives a warning that the session is taking too long and should be terminated as soon as possible.

The time interval after which the status changes from "Online" to "Away" is defined by the Time to accept, which can be found in the group settings.

To warn you if you are sitting for too long, you can combine 2 different colors (yellow and red) to differentiate the level of urgency.

The alert can be noticed by the operator in several places (in addition to changing the color of the tile, the duration of the session is also underlined and an alert pops up on the right side of the screen, which disappears after a while.

Campaign rules


Add contact to Campaign

The contact is added in case of a missed call from the client.

Call again

Set up to redial of the contact after X minutes.

Delete identity

A record that meets the conditions is deleted from the Contact Directory.

Remove contact from campaign

Removes the contact from the campaign if the client has already successfully called or been contacted by the operator before the campaign call is created.

Set contact attribute

A custom value is set for the selected parameter.

If you want to add contacts to the campaign that have ended up in the IVR tree, you need to ensure that the IVR tree allows this!

For the "Add contact to campaign" action to work properly, there must be no multiple contacts with the same phone number in the Contact Directory!

Creating a rule

Creating a rule to create a new rule, click the "Add" button. Select the type, fill in the name of the rule in the text box in the new panel, and save. You have just created a rule group and can add more rules by clicking the "Add Rule" button.

This action will open another panel. In the text box, you need to name the rule, and in the Action box, you select what kind of action you want to perform. Then you select the conditions (a certain number of visits; browser language; if the client has a tablet, phone, etc.) and assign a sign and a value (number, time, language,...).

You can set several such conditions at once. For example, you can set the widget to notify you only when the visitor is on a page with your specific products and it is his first visit. Of course, there are many combinations, as well as the number of rules you set.

Useful tips

A unique visit rule restriction

You can also make a unique visit conditional on a rule action. All you have to do is tick the box Once per unique visit under the Action field. This rule can be combined with all available actions. For example, you can set the WebChat to be opened to clients only once during their visit.

Sound notifications

To help your clients not miss a single message from the operator, we have expanded the triggering rules with a new action that alerts the client with sound notifications.

If you want to set up sound notifications, follow the same procedure as when creating a new rule as described in the introduction to this section. After filling out the name of the new rule, select the type of sound notification. You can play the sound before selecting it by clicking the Play icon.

The rule can be arbitrarily combined with other conditions.

Last updated

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