All e-mails

There you can find information about the way how e-mails are processed within mluvii, which information you can find by each e-mail message, how to distinguish e-mails within and after SLA expirration and how e-mail messages are grouped into threads.

The e-mail client lets you link your mailbox(es) to manage both incoming and outgoing e-mails in the single environment. This means greater clarity and options in managing or prioritizing incoming requests. In addition, operators have all requests in a single queue, which increases the efficiency of their work.

E-mails processing

In this section, you will find all client e-mails and their details. It is easy to search among individual e-mail threads.

Use the buttons in the upper right corner to choose whether you want to see message threads or individual messages.

E-mails that operators have removed from the queue with the Ignore button are also available in the overview. As an administrator, you have the option to return to processing using the arrow button in the upper right corner.

You can manage the table of all e-mails using the settings icon in the upper right corner, where you can select individual columns to be displayed in the overview there.

The filter icon next to each column name gives you the option to filter e-mails by specific parameters. In order to remove a filter, use the button Reset filters.

You can also download all selected e-mails in a csv format using the Export CSV button.

E-mail details

To view the details of a particular e-mail, click on the corresponding message line and a new panel will open on the right.

In the panel, you can click through four tabs:

  • Transcript,

  • Info,

  • Routing and

  • E-mail parameters.

Transcript displays the message and any operator’s response to it. You can find there an automatic message or notes from other operators.

The Info section provides details about the message or thread. Attached tags and a time of thread creating you can find there too.

Routing shows the current routing status and message status. Individual statuses are colour-coded for clarity. You can also see the routing history (groups, operators).

The last tab E-mail parameters displayes any parameters together with their values. In th elower part, there is a table of the history of parameter changes, including users making modifications.

At the top right of the panel, there is a button to redirect the message to a group of operators or a specific operator. After redirection, this activity will appear in the Transcript tab.

E-mail SLA

If you have SLA set at the mailbox level, emails in a single queue will be color coded. The e-mail line remaining less than an hour until the expiration date will be colored yellow. If the value is exceeded, the color changes to red. At the end of a line of an e-mail message, you can also see how much time is left before the SLA expires, or how long the e-mail expired.

How to combine messages into threads

Messages are paired into threads by inReplyTo parameter that is used by all main e-mail providers, so you can just hit reply button and mluvii will recieve this information and pair new message into the right thread.

There is small chance that some providers does not include this parameter when sending reply e-mail and because of that mluvii is not able to pair this message with right thread unfortunatelly.

Last updated