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On top of the license fees, the costs of the WhatsApp channel in mluvii rely on:
registered WhatsApp telephone numbers and
count of the Conversations initiated either by a client or a business.
Each conversation (except for the Free Conversation package) is charged based on Meta's price list.
0,0712 EUR
0,0512 EUR
0,0461 EUR
0,0207 EUR
Marketing, Utility, and Authentication conversations are created by the company sending a Template Message. Service conversation is created when initiated by the client (the client sends a message).
Calculate your estimated monthly costs using our calculator:
Charges for individual conversation types may change over time, so you can always find the current prices here.
Each business (a company uses a mluvii as a platform for handling WhatsApp interactions) has a 1000 conversation bundle for free on a monthly basis. Every single conversation above is charged based on the current Meta company pricing list (there are no additional conversation-based costs above it).
A business has 1000 free conversations available regardless of the number of registered WA numbers.
The prices for an individual conversation may be different based on the Conversation type.
You can save the cost of some of the conversations your clients initiate through paid ads on Facebook or WhatsApp. Clients can contact you through them. Another advantage is the ability to combine multiple Template Messages categories without charging for all of them.
For a better understanding, see the case situations below!
For example, on Monday at 9:00 AM business sends a Utility template.
The template initiates the 24-hour conversation window and you can send as many Utility type templates as you want until Tuesday at 9:00 AM.
Result: Any number of Utility templates can be sent within 24 hours without initiating and charging for additional conversations.
For example, on Monday at 9:00 AM business sends a Utility-type template message. The template initiates the 24-hour conversation window.
At 11 AM business sends a Marketing type template.
Result: It will result in the cancellation of the Utility type conversation and start a new Marketing type conversation. Also, at that moment the 24-hour conversation window is reset. As a result, the business will pay for 2 conversations instead of one!
When you send out a Marketing template
then a Utility one
and after that another Marketing template
Result: You will be charged for one Marketing conversation and one Utility conversation. Under 24h you can send out as many Marketing or Utility messages as you want.
You may create a Template Message that consists of components of the Utility and Marketing template. By sending it, the initiated conversation will be classified and charged as Marketing Conversation!
As a general rule, any template message that contains at least 1 component from the Marketing template message is automatically classified as a Marketing Template Message!