Deployed on: 28. 7. 2020
Mluvii News
1) Automatic session anonymization
All past sessions can be anonymized automatically. You don’t have to worry about someone misusing sensitive data. You can set it in the Expert Settings section and it is possible to select a different time period for each tenant.
2) Routing for Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp
Do you manage multiple Facebook pages or do you communicate with clients via multiple WhatsApp phone numbers? Then you will surely be pleased that we have created the option of custom routing settings for these channels as well. You can easily and clearly determine where the requests of clients from Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp will be routed to.
3) Bots come to the rescue with Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp assistance
From now on, bots can also help you communicate with customers via the Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp platforms. You can make your operator’s work easier, for example by relieving them of the most frequently asked questions. Chatbots can communicate with customers on each of the platforms in supported formats. If you are interested in engaging the new helpers, contact us via the chat on our website.
4) Chatbots can send Hero cards
And the chatbots have learned another new trick. Interactive Hero card forms, which you like to use for chat communication, can now also be sent by chatbots. You can get important data from clients even if they disconnect before the operator can attend to them. Just contact us via the chat contact your sales representative or contact us via the chat on our website and we will be happy to introduce the new option to you.
5) Extended reasons for ending a session
During a session, you can now follow more detailed reasons for its termination. For example, you will know if the operator disconnected or the client closed the browser window during the conversation.
6) Routing timeline in session detail
You can now also find a timeline in the session detail that shows the detailed routing history of this session. For example, you can see when a session was created or when it entered the queue. Thanks to this, you will get an even better picture of the efficiency of your operation.
7) Screen sharing and co-browsing for multiple operators in a session
We are coming up with a further improvement of the function thanks to which more operators can cooperate in a session with the client. During a group chat or video call, they can share the screen or use the co-browsing function as easily as they are used to from 1:1 communication.
8) CTA is also displayed for widgets in the offline or busy status
Do you like to use CTA with text or image for your widgets? You can now display them with the widget not only when the widget is online, but all the time. You can make the settings using the rules for the button, which you then pin to the widget in the widget settings.
9) Automatic tagging extension
Because we know how important an overview on sessions is, we decided to improve their tagging capabilities. You can now distinguish whether the tag came from a message from the operator or the client. You can also add multiple groups of conditions or the option to meet only some of them.
10) HMAC authentication of encrypted data sent to mluvii
Additionally, you can now authenticate the data you send encrypted to mluvii from your system with an HMAC key. See the documentation for more info. If you are interested in this feature, contact us via the chat on our website.
Minor changes to the application:
We named the bookmarks of the browser tabs according to the sections of the application
CSV import now takes less time
Thank you for your feedback, which helps us to improve mluvii. :)
Last updated