
Deployed on: 12. 1. 2022

Mluvii News

1) Screen sharing

We fixed some situations where the client was seeing an invalid modal window prompting for sharing.

2) Overview of operators

We have improved the way data is updated in the operator overview. If you return to the mluvii tab after a long period of inactivity, you will still see the current status of the call center without having to reload the page.

Minor changes in the application:

  • Fixed a bug where routing was terminated during routing changes.

  • Manual redirection of email to itself fixed

  • Extended logging from widget

  • Fixed display of phone call recordings

  • Chatbot messages sometimes displayed two paragraphs instead of one

  • For asynchronous channels, sessions now cannot be resumed if the client is banned

Thank you for your feedback, which helps us to improve mluvii. :)

Last updated